The event was held downstairs for several who due to age and medical issues could not make it up the stairs.
From L-R front row. C.V.Nance, Ed Hege, John Parker, Ray Paradowski, Mike Jones. Standing Bob Sce, Steve Arey, Jim Earp, Cliff Kerr, Mike Davis, Jim Nichols, Cliff Cutrell, Jim Hill, Harry Agner, W-S Elk Butch Tomlinson, Linda Brown, Kent Roberts, & our District Deputy Bill Pelloquin.
Also in attendance were two Elks from Lexington for the Traveling Gavel, the Vice- President of the W/C District, Butch Tomlison and our District Deputy Bill Pelloquin ~ both of Winston-Salem Elks Lodge.
A good meal was served, the meeting went well and it was nice to here the kind comments from all who spoke about their long association with our Lodge. In addition, the DD spoke highly of our Lodge's efforts over the years. His heartfelt comments were greeted enthusiastically by all.
Finally, nominations were made for Officer's for the upcoming year. They will be voted on at our next meeting on Thursday Feb 21.
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