A number of us attended the DD clinic in High Point on Sunday, Jan 17. It's a wonderful lodge with 800+ Brother Elks. Basically at DD clinics, reports are given on various programs of the Grand Lodge. Those giving reports from our Lodge for the W/C District included Bob Sce for Fundraising and Govt Relations, Linda Brown for Americanism, Mike Jones for Drug Awareness and John Salonen for Veteran's Service.

Our Order is definitely struggling with membership although these difficult times can offer an opportunity to attract qualified people to join. As for our Grand Lodge programs, the Hoop Shoot program is alive and well with the district and State contests coming up soon. The Veteran's activities that most of the 8 lodges do for the Salisbury VA were lauded and a letter of acknowledgement and thanks was read.
Some of the pictures show the newly revamped downstairs portion of the High Point Lodge. The pool is huge and the large covered shelter looks like a nice place to sit and get out of a hot sun.
More pictures can be seen of High Point on our web album (link should be below ).
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